2021 Workshop: Turning Challenges into Opportunities: Resiliency in the Environmental Industry
The EMA of BC annual Environmental Workshop has been scheduled for Thursday April 15th.
To survive and be competitive in the presence of unexpected disruptive events, many businesses and even entire industries are coming to the realization that they need to innovate in order to survive; the environmental sector is no exception.
This year’s workshop will focus on challenges and innovation that goes beyond just the current COVID crisis with focus being put on other ecological and non-COVID business disrupting events. During the workshop, you will meet and engage with expert speakers, panelists, and industry peers to learn and discuss how challenges were overcome and what lessons were learned.
This year’s annual workshop has had to move online platform, and it will be more than just a series of speakers/panels, and presentations; significant focus will be put on individual and group engagement and there be several opportunities for peer-to-peer dialogue as well as networking. In addition to the presentations and interactive forums, the session will be capped off on the end with the very popular Regulator Panel where you will have the opportunity to ask questions directly to a whole field of industry regulators.
Tickets are now on sale for the 2021 EMA of BC annual workshop
The theme of this years workshop is Turning Challenges into Opportunities; Resiliency in the Environmental Industry
What can you expect at the workshop?
- Relevant content from industry professionals
- Our “meet the regulator” panel
- Opportunity to learn from presenters with first-hand experience
- Peer-to-peer dialogue on resilience in the environmental sector
Join us for a workshop you won’t want to miss on April 15, 2021 from 12pm to 4:30pm.
This year’s Workshop will feature a mix of presentations and panels along with interactive activities and discussions to drive participation and encourage open dialogue and an exchange of ideas.
The workshop will be starting promptly at 12 noon on April 15
Our agenda for includes:
– Introductions/Networking Activity
– Speaker 1: Rocks, Rails, Residuals and Resiliency – Challenges and Opportunities in Remediating Contaminated Sediments in Esquimalt Harbour. Michael Bodman (Department of National Defence) & Kristen Ritchot (Public Services and Procurement Canada | Services publics et Approvisionnement Canada)
– Meet the Regulator Panel – Speaker 2: Responding to the Unexpected – Working Together to Solve Unforeseen challenges
– Big Bar Land Slide. Michael Crowe (Fisheries and Oceans Canada)
– Resiliency-focused Networking Activity
– Panel on Resiliency featuring: Amber Ashenhurst, MSc, RPBio (Hatfield – Associate Partner, Project Manager), Dorit Mason, MSc CEM ABCP (TransLink – Senior Manager Safety and Emergency Management) and Mary Point (Vancouver International Airport – YVR – Manager, Indigenous Relations)
Big Bar Landslide Photo: Big Bar landslide response | Pacific Region | Fisheries and Oceans Canada (dfo-mpo.gc.ca)

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