Our Indigenous Project Award celebrates indigenous-owned projects of any size which conserve, restore or enhance knowledge of British Columbia’s ecosystems.
A huge congratulations to our 2021 winner Chu Cho Environmental for their inspiring project – Chase Caribou Road Restoration Program. The southern mountain caribou has come under increased pressure from wildfires, invasive species and increased predator access. Focused on the remote region around Johanson Lake in Northern BC, this project aimed to restore the ecological function of the caribou’s habitat. Chu Cho Environmental is an environmental research and consulting company owned by the Tsay Keh Dene nation and prize money will go towards community engagement, sharing the results of their projects with their community. Check out videos of Chu Cho’s Science Week and of this winning project: The Goldway Road.

The runner-up was a remarkable project from Summit Earthworks, joint with the Leq’á:mel First Nation Economic Development Corporation. Their joint venture constructed a solid waste management facility on the Central BC Coast at Kingcome Inlet for the Dzawada’enuxw First Nation community. The project successfully overcame significant logistical hurdles including a remote work site accessible only by sea and a Stage 2 COVID-19 Community Lockdown. Following the success of this project, Summit Earthworks are now working with the Wuikinuxv Nation at the remote Rivers Inlet to create another Solid Waste Management Facility. These complex solid waste management infrastructure projects are vital to remote First Nation communities in BC, allowing for environmentally responsible handling of waste.

Thank you to all who participated in the EMA of BC’s Indigenous Project Award!
Look out for upcoming EMA of BC events where our award entrants will be presenting their projects and giving insights into what its like to work on such fascinating projects!