We are pleased to announce the finalists for the EMA of BC Awards!
These finalists will be giving presentations and recognized for their work at the gala on June 27, 2023 starting at 5pm. Please come and show your support!
Register now!
$145 (single admission)
Table of 8: $800 ($100/ per person)
Admission includes a champagne reception, 4 course dinner, and live music
Remediation and Restoration
– Dillon Consulting for Mary Hill Property Assessment (Owner: DND – CFB Esquimalt)
– Summit Earthworks (Owner: Leq’a:mel FN and BC MoE) for Deroche Creek – Emergency Sediment Removal, Erosion Protection and Habitat Restoration
Emissions/Discharge Control
– Conuma Resources, Ltd. for Using Biochemical Reactors to Treat and Remediate Mine Contact Water
– Keystone Environmental (Owner: CN) for CN Biodegradable Geobag for use in Industrial Wastewater Treatment System
– Metro Vancouver for Metro Vancouver’s Biosolids Program Achieved 100% Beneficial Use
Regulatory Challenge
– Active Earth Engineering (Owner: MOTI) for Beach Road Remediation Project
– PGL Environmental Consultants (Owner: Montrose Industries, EcoWaste Landfill) for Phased Closure and Redevelopment of the Ecowaste Landfill
Emerging Environmental Professional – finalists and/or their nominators will be contacted directly
Indigenous Project – finalists will be contacted directly
Do you want to represent your organization at the EMA of BC AGM? Only 1 voter per organization is permitted, but the proceedings are open to all EMA of BC Members. It is happening just before the awards gala, and you can register here.
Thank you to our generous sponsors!

If you’re interested in sponsorship opportunities for the gala or other events, please contact us!