Notice EMA of BC 2022 Annual General Meeting

To be held Tuesday June 28, 2022 from 12-1 PM via Zoom.

Notice of the AGM was sent to the Primary Contacts of each member organization in good standing. If you have not received an AGM package and believe this was in error, please contact

If you are a Primary Contact for your organization, please register to attend as the designated voter (1 vote per organization though multiple people may attend from an organization), send an alternate representative from within your organization to vote on your organization’s behalf, or designate a proxy voter (see form attached). 

Any other employee of an organization may attend the AGM but will not be eligible to vote unless designated as the alternate voter. Please register if you’d like to attend.

The following positions are due for election: 
o President (2 year term)
o Secretary (2 year term)
o Treasurer (2 year term)
o Vice President Membership (2 year term)
o Vice President Communications (2 year term)
o One positions for Director-at-Large (2 year term)
o Four positions for Director-at-Large (1 year term)

Nominations for Board of Director positions can be emailed to or nominated from the floor during the election proceedings. Along with your notification of interest in nomination, please include a brief biography including your company and role. In addition, please provide details on: 

o Your work and volunteer experience background. 

o The reasons you are personally passionate about the organization’s mission and why you want to be involved in this organization. 

o Skills are you happy to contribute to the organization. 

o What learning area motivates you to be involved as a Board member and what do you want to learn serving on the Board?